The love story of Irfan and Amyna. Irfan knew Amyna through a mutual friend since 2009. After that, they were occasional friends but only texted every few months just to check in. But what happened in 2015, changed the entire story. They started talking regularly on the phone and got to know each other even more. In 2015, the love story began and their friendship grew into them being best friends. After best friends, the frover love story began and it has led to their grand wedding this weekend.
The proposal story was that Irfan was supposed to take her to get boba tea (her favorite since their first date). But in reality, he had gathered up all their friends and family for a surprise proposal. And, when they reached over there he popped the big question.They chose Colorado because of the magnificent scenery of mountains, rivers, and plains. It seemed like the perfect location because Irfan and Amyna both have a love for scenic views of nature.
Their wedding will be a grand Indian wedding. Their outfits have been planned to be traditional style and their decor is planned to be royal and contemporary style. Can’t wait to see how all the different styles come together.
Irfan is a well-known Indian wedding DJ in the Southeast region of United States and Amyna works full-time as an accountant. They both make a great couple and keep each other a priority always in their busy work lives.